Yonghui Superstores Ranked in Top 100 of "Hurun China 500 Most Valuable Private Companies 2019"

Release time:2020-04-23

Browse times:277

The Hurun Research Institute released the "Hurun China 500 Most Valuable Private Companies 2019", which lists

the top 500 local private enterprises in China and ranks them according to their market cap or market capitalization. The list shows that Alibaba ranked first with a market capital of 3.8 trillion RMB, Tencent ranked second with a market cap of 2.9 trillion RMB, and Ping An Life Insurance ranked third with a market cap of 1.5 trillion RMB.

It is worth noting that Yonghui Superstores entered the top 100 and ranked 87th, becoming the only supermarket retail private enterprise on the Hurun Report.

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